    The clean solution

    Product Training or Sales Training

    Look, touch and feel the entire MEIKO range in our Sydney showroom

    Water wave

    In this situation, both sets of sales and product training are equally important to position yourself as an expert.

    Excitingly, MEIKO have recently designed a global approach called Train the Trainer. A person at each MEIKO region around the world attends a 3 intensive training sessions in HQ Germany. The sole purpose is to teach and develop dedicated highly skilled trainers in each country. On completion, the certified trainers will be able to deliver highly professional sales and product training sessions to teams internally and externally to our current and future dealers on an ongoing basis. We want to share the knowledge and expertise to add value to any future sales position you find yourself in.

    Laurie is now able to offer additional insight to how our products are made, from engineering to aesthetics and ergonomics. All of which add invaluable knowledge to your skill set that will then help you respond to the specific needs and wants of customers.

    He will provide the basics such as how to size a machine for new staff or provide useful take away tools.

    Lastly, When You Train Your Staff in Sales or Product Training, You Must Remember To Get Feedback

    A great way to improve your training sessions is to ask for feed back. It sounds cliche but your staff will benefit from knowing if their clients or customers gained value. Remember to keep the questions emotive.

    • What was included in training that made you more effective in you role?
    • Name one thing you learned in the training that surprised you?
    • What product training would build confidence for you during deal stage?
    Butterfly dishwashing paradise
    ErgonomicsComfort package

    There is no need to even tap the hood with our automatic rack detection. Just insert the rack from the side and let the dishwashing machine do the rest.

    If you sell commercial dishwashing or cleaning and disinfection equipment in Australia, we would be happy to set up a introductory training session for you.

    Call 1300 562 500 or send a request to sales@meiko.com.au

    And here is our own feedback from the MEIKO training sessions we have hosted.

    "Anytime spent with product managers and sales execs is valuable in helping to improve our own level of service."

    "We learnt about the various racks available for the pot washers which was very useful!"

    "I feel more effective now knowing what I know about reverse osmosis systems."

    "It's very clear now on what to look for when comparing against other brands."

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