    The clean solution

    The Dishroom Dilemma

    How you take the steam out in the professional kitchen


    If you are in the commercial side of food industry, it should not be a surprise to you that “heat” is one of the most talked about issue of all time in commercial kitchens. It is a major concern for chefs, staff, restaurant operators, and the kitchen environment itself.

    Then, there is the heat from using a dishwashing machine. The machine usually releases steam into the air, worsening the air quality of the room. Once in a while, restaurant operators are also shocked from incredibly high utility bills. Dishwashing machines need heat for hygienic warewashing results, and this can take a substantial amount of power to produce.

    But is it possible for heat to be contained and used more effectively?

    The Dilemma

    For any kitchen operation, temperature is a key element. Commercial dishwashers are one of the equipment that can affect the comfort level of your kitchen environment where work needs to be done, and done comfortably. A commercial dishwasher uses water in high temperatures and this inevitably results into steam. But it is the heat behind the process that makes your dishwasher the way it is - fast and efficient.

    Consequently, the kitchen becomes hot and humid - a difficult environment for chefs and staff to work in, according to research. The dishwasher operator also runs the risk of coming into contact with the hot air that is being released.

    Uncomfortable humid kitchen
    A humid kitchen makes chefs and staff less comfortable

    The Alternative: Recycled Air

    That leaves us to the air released by the dishwasher—what happens to the air? There are only two options: release or recycle. Of course, the latter sounds more attractive. Heat recovery systems are one of the greatest innovations in the warewashing technology. This system can further reduce your utility cost and promote a friendlier working environment for your employees by keeping the heat inside of the machine. This modern feature pays for itself over the lifetime of your investment for a dishwasher, while also giving you a reliable warewashing that your business requires.

    Punkt2 AirConcept M-iQ
    Heat recovery to enhance air qualitiy and energy efficiency

    Heat recovery to enhance air qualitiy and energy efficiency

    M-iQ AirConcept

    Similarly, MEIKO’s M-iQ AirConcept aims to:

    • Eliminate the need for a direct exhaust air connection
    • Provide optimal energy efficiency to the restaurant
    • Provide uncompromising conformity to DIN Standards

    MEIKO’s AirConcept approach to air management recovers the heat from exhaust air to generate top-class air quality. Instead of releasing the steam into the working environment, it recycles the hot air to produce thermal energy. With the hot air passing through the heat recovery module, the dishwashing machine requires less energy to operate.

    Punkt2 AirConcept M-iQ
    Heat recovery to enhance air qualitiy and energy efficiency

    Heat recovery to enhance air qualitiy and energy efficiency

    Punkt2 AirConcept M-iQ
    Heat recovery to enhance air qualitiy and energy efficiency

    Heat recovery to enhance air qualitiy and energy efficiency

    As a result, it reduces its power consumption achieving cost savings. With less exhaust air, a direct exhaust air connection is no longer necessary. The dishwashing area also becomes a better place to work in… and this resolves your dish room dilemma!

    It looks like the dish room dilemma is not that hard to handle after all. Using a dishwashing machine that recovers heat solves the dilemma and offer financial savings to any restaurant operator!

    You can get in touch with us here - let’s chat about MEIKO’s dishwashing technology and the “wonders” of AirConcept!

    Punkt2 AirConcept M-iQ
    Heat recovery to enhance air qualitiy and energy efficiency

    Heat recovery to enhance air qualitiy and energy efficiency

    Source: MEIKO Asia, Open Textbooks BC